Dr. Shulamit Blank


We are the grandparents of Aviv (not his real name), who is being treated by you.

We add our humble contribution to thank you for what you have done to date with our grandson.

The boy has a smile on his face, a smile that has been absent for many years from his mouth. Not one but several smiles.

And sometimes even laughter, a humorous response to humor.

Aviv came to you about a year ago, after having been through several institutions meant to treat abnormal children. He was expelled from them a short time after starting “treatment”, including even a complaint against him with the police.

Such institutions are not worthy of treating an abnormal child. They should have been loyal students of yours before they allowed themselves to step on the stony ground of abnormal child treatment.

What you have done, madam, is not a miracle. Your actions are sheer talent and hard work.

You are one of a kind.

Thank you very much,


The Grandparents of Aviv (not his real name)