Beloved Dr. Blank,

Ido was born on a special date – 1.1

However, he also celebrates a birthday tomorrow, because Ido was born twice.

The first time was in 2008, via the Caesarian section through which he came into the world. The second time was on 5.8.2022, the day when he entered Bnei Arazim, the day when I knew with every fiber of my being that he had started his way in the world, a world that would gradually become less threatening and frightening for him. This date will remain with me forever.

The achievements of that one year were many:

  • The daily tantrums with strong physical blows to those around him and the destruction of everything in his path grew unbelievably less.
  • Certificate of Excellence in Theater Studies for the first semester.
  • Year-end certificate.
  • Certificate of Outstanding Student in his class.
  • Volunteer work and a sense of self-worth.
  • Reduction of psychiatric pills taken for years.

I stand aside, amazed at the rapid change and knowing that these successes include not only those highly visible factual accomplishments.

Success is also pain. Because when Ido did not cry for years, wrapped himself in armor, and his face was expressionless, crying, despite my own pain in carrying it, turned also into success.

On his second birth date, Ido received many birthday presents – a soul that finds rest, his growing patience, a smile on his face, and his enormous love for you, who wants the best for him, the savior of his soul and mine.

We love you infinitely.

Ido and Lilach

מכתב הוקרה - דר בלנק בני ארזים