My girl got her life twice, first when I gave birth to her 19 years ago, and the second time when she arrived at Dr. Blank’s Boarding School.


My daughter arrived at the Bnei Arazim Boarding School when she was a wreck. Before that, she was placed in two psychiatric hospitals. She stayed in the first one for about two months. The Head of the Youth Department decided he could not help her; she was too difficult a case for him. During most of her stay in the hospital she was tied to her bed – i.e., restricted. He decided “to throw her out” of his hospital, to transfer her to another psychiatric facility where she stayed for about a year.


During all that time she wanted to die. She did not want to live, and she took active steps to try to end her life. She almost succeeded. She arrived at the ICU after ingesting an enormous quantity of pills, and this happened more than once. She did not speak, for almost two years my daughter did not speak with anyone around her, with any one of the carers. She spoke only with her immediate family. She had selective mutism.


She ate only when a member of her immediate family was with her.


For many years before her hospitalization, she was cared for in the community. We took her to all the renowned experts we had heard about, a selection of psychiatrists, and psychologists. We tried different kinds of therapy, art therapy, social therapy, animal-assisted therapy, etc. Despite all these attempts, her condition deteriorated and went from bad to worse.


Two years ago, we heard about Dr. Blank. We came to her for a consultation. She saw our daughter and said that she could help her. We waited a long time until there was a place for her at the Bnei Arazim Boarding School.


The onboarding process was not easy for either her or us. To us, Dr. Blank’s method was revolutionary, different from anything we had known before. The disconnection from our home and the distance were difficult.


Barely a week went by and the girl gradually began to change. She started to eat. After a while she began talking, at first in whispers in a hesitant and almost inaudible voice. Little by little her voice grew so strong that two years on she frequently does not stop. The girl started to function. She attended school and started to study, to complete all that she had missed during the previous two years. This year she is finishing her full matriculation with excellent grades. She behaves just like any young girl her age and looks forward to the future.


Our girl sometimes has difficulties but now, in contrast to the past, she has a toolbox that helps her cope with them, she has a full toolbox at her disposal.


Thanks to her unique methods, Dr. Blank gave us back our girl. For that, we will be grateful throughout our entire lives.


She did something incredible. From our standpoint, she performed a miracle. None of the words that I say, of the sentences that I write, can describe the change that Dr. Blank made in our beloved girl.